Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thrashing Zombie... has released several new animated props for 2008. They look great and include multiple motion paths (side to side, up/down, independent actuations for head and body, etc.). Some even spray water or smoke. The Zombie Thrasher looks like it would provide a great scare. It's priced at about $1800.


Anonymous said...

Those Animatronics are from posion props. is one guy who drop shipps all of his products. I ordered from him last year and never got my order. Keep away from

Joe Persampiere said...

We are Poison distributor. Who ever said they never received there order last year should really say who you are. This is a legal issue for passing a comment like this on the internet We had a very successful season last year and there are people out there that will do anything to stop us. So let me know who you are before you pass comments about my co. CAll me

631 220 3424

Joe Persampiere


Unknown said...

We are Poison distributor. Who ever said they never received there order last year should really say who you are. I love people who say a damaging statement and never say who they are.This is a legal issue for passing a comment like this on the internet We had a very successful season last year and there are people out there that will do anything to stop us. So let me know who you are before you pass comments about my co. CAll me

631 220 3424

Joe Persampiere
